C.J. Mahaney on Kidner on Proverbs / An inexpensive and wonderful Christmas gift

One of my favorite portions of Scripture to read is Proverbs.  I like to read the day’s chapter of Proverbs.  Today (a day which will live in infamy) is December 7 – – which means I would read Proverbs 7.

While Proverbs is one of my favorite books, Derek Kidner is one of my favorite commentators on Proverbs.  His commentaries are short and straight-forward for average readers.

Here is a good Christmas gift idea.  Give someone Kidner’s commentaries on Proverbs.  Challenge them to try and read a chapter of Proverbs a day at least 4 days a week during 2009.  This is a very doable goal.

I was reminded of Kidner and Proverbs this morning when I saw C.J. Mahaney’s post here.

You can find Kidner’s commentaries here.