Wise Leadership Amidst Differences in a Local Church

I know there are so many sermons available online, but I would encourage you to watch this one.

Ostensibly, Bethlehem Baptist has some significant disagreement about whether non-immersed people should be allowed to join the church.  In this sermon, John Piper speaks to the issue but also outlines general parameters for disagreement in a church.  But, there is value far beyond the issue at hand.

  • He talks about how churches should be characterized by a culture of relationships and wisdom.
  • He owns how some of his own weaknesses have affected the church.  If you’re frustrated with your pastor (especially those in my church!) then listen to the last 5 minutes or so.
  • He describes why churches should allow into membership those who are not in perfect agreement doctrinally.
  • He challenges his flock that it is not enough to be involved in your church for an hour and a half a week.  We must give ourselves to a relational culture where the Word of Christ dwells richly in our midst.
  • Piper explains why being thankful is so important and why its antithesis is grumbling.