Thankful As a Pastor

Other than the Chief of Police asking me if Ken Mrozek is my son, it was a great day. 


One of the times I am most thankful as a pastor is when I see our people being salt and light in the community.  Christians are called to preserve the culture, to glorify Christ, by reflecting his glory and brilliance in the different vocations to which we are called.

 Shawn Ross Promoted

Today, one of our Deacons, Shawn Ross received a promotion to sergeant.  The police chief mentioned how Shawn has distinguished himself in detetective work with graffitti. 

Remember, to pray for Shawn and our police in general.

6 thoughts on “Thankful As a Pastor

  1. I am thankful for Shawn and his family as well!! We as a church family are blessed to have Shawn, Shannon, Nathan and Noah belong to the Red Brick Church. Jay and I send our congratulations to Shawn for this outstanding achievement!! We will be praying for Shawn, his family, and those that are called to protect our communities!! Way to go Shawn!!

  2. It was a very nice ceremony. I am glad that we could be a part of it. I am so thankful for your families friendship. Congratulations to all!!!

  3. I love the proud look on Shannon’s face. It reminds me of a very similar picture of my grandmother when my grandfather retired from the Rockford Police. I was always so proud to say my Grandpa was an officer. When he passed away I received his badge. That badge means so much to me. It belonged to a man that I deeply loved and respected. It also stands for honor and loyalty. I greatly value these men and women who serve and protect us.

    Congrats Shawn! I hold you in my prayers and thank you for serving in such an important role in our community.

    In HIS Design~

  4. Congratulations Shawn! May God bless and keep you in all you do. Just this past Sunday I needed assistance from an usher, and Shawn was there. Shawn and Shannon have been faithful and gracious servants in our church family. We thank you and will be keeping you in our prayers.

    Marc and Sheri

  5. We are so blessed to be a part of the family at the Red Brick Church!! Thank you all for your support – we are touched by your kind words and your prayers.

  6. Congratulations Sargeant Ross!

    We honor you and our men in BLUE and all others who serve and protect
    our laws, liberty, and freedom. Your family is a vital and welcomed
    “BRICK” here @ our Red Brick Church.
    Gary and Connie Rhodes

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