Ipods or Africa?

Only, they asked us to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.  Galatians 2:10, ESV.

My family has spent more on Ipods in the last year than we have on Africa.   How do you suppose that plays in Heaven?

To be sure, as a family we are faithful and sacrificial in our giving to our local church.  Jamie and I decided from the beginnning of our marriage that 10% and more of our gross income belongs to Christ.  When our children earn some money, we often ask them about their giving.   Pastor Jeff Dodge in ZambiaBut, I have to be honest.  In the last year, I have worked harder at figuring out which Ipods to buy than I have at understanding the desperate situation in Africa.  And, in my house it’s time for that to change.

Children are dying. I wonder how God might lead us to help? 

About a year and a half ago I watched a video at Spring Creek Church in Pewaukee, WI in which Bill Hybels interviewed Bono (Please spare us any feedback about Willow or Bono).  And, I was burdened.  I prayed that God would show me a way to be used. But, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for. . .” Until now, maybe.

My good friend, Pastor Jeff Dodge watched the same video I did.  And, he was burdened too.  I’m sure the Dodge’s have an mp3 player or two, laying around their house.  But, Jeff and Cornerstone church’s direction solidified more quickly than mine.  Amazingly, after multiple trips to Africa, God has led his church to start an orphanage in Zambia.  You can read about it here. And, I am thinking that God might lead my family to contribute through prayer and giving in some way to this project.

How can Christians not be deeply concerned about Africa?  What will Christ say that we did for HIM? (Matthew 25:40). 

For those of you in our church family – – Would you pray in a special way about our services tomorrow? 

10 thoughts on “Ipods or Africa?

  1. I will gladly pray for services tomorrow. I pray we are able to participate again tomorrow too. I have missed being there. This flu has been very rough on our house.

    May the Lord give you what you need to lead tomorrow.
    In HIS Design~

  2. Awesome content in today’s message. I was certainly struch with your candid remarks about time spent on researching consumables versus things of eterrnal consequence.
    Oh that we all search our souls to the depth the scripture emplores us to. Indeed, it is far too easy to push the remote to select a favorite channel than to push ourselves out of bed in time to settle into the presence of the Almighty.
    Thanks for the wake-up Chris

  3. Chris, I very much enjoyed Jeffs talk on sunday, it really pulled at my and my daughters heart strings. We are also praying for Zambia and how we can help.

  4. Must agree with Lance. It’s not IPODS, but a Gatorade here and a Snickers bar there and…

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