Eugene Peterson on Story and Writing

(Let me start with an aside to a seminary professor who occasionally stops by.  Gunny, I don’t agree with everything Eugene Peterson says including the part about the first two years of seminary being spent on literature – -).

Having said that, pastors and writers would do well to brew a fresh pot of decaf, build a fire, and soak in this interview.  If you Tivo’ed American Idol and you’re thinking about watching it now, skip it and reflect on Eugene Peterson’s literary wisdom.

 HT: Internet Monk

4 thoughts on “Eugene Peterson on Story and Writing

  1. Peterson’s an interesting guy. I LOATHE The Message, but LOVE his pastoral slooge and some of his other writings.

    I also don’t drink the Kool-Aid, but have certainly found him to be more friend than foe where my edification is concerned.

    Thanks for sharing and for the caveat.


  2. Great interview. I’m not sure I agree with the first two years on literature, however, I must admit that two of the most formative aspects for me in seminary were: 1) hermeneutics (which is basically what he says when he says to learn how to read) and 2) viewing the story of the Bible as creation-fall-redemption-consummation. Those things changed me forever and they are related to what Peterson says.

    As for the Message…I love it. I read it before bed. Every other Bible version has become to much “study” for me…there are few Bible passages that “wow” me any more, but the Message brings back a wow factor. I don’t use it for sermon/lesson prep, but I love reading it just to learn the story of God.

  3. I think Peterson does a good job helping pastors understand the wonder of pastoral work – – what he did so well in Under the Unpredictable Plant – – that we are called to local work, to exegete lives, to shepherd people and that this is all part of the metanarrative.

  4. I love any Peterson book on pastoring. Unpredictable Plant and Contemplative Pastor are some great refreshments.

    I’ll have to partake of the interview later, when I have a cup ‘o joe.

    Thanks for the rec.

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