The Bunting is Back

It’s an amazing day we live in when those who tucked in with a clean blanket of snow in Illinois (Isaiah 1:18) can enjoy and be thankful for a particular little bird in Florida . . .  

My wife and I took our oldest, Allison, to high school orientation tonight – – it snowed all afternoon and our roads here are 100% snow and ice packed.  I dropped Jamie and Allison at the door.  It was still snowing this evening, by the time, we got out, the car was covered with a new layer of snow . .

But, not so, in Florida on the banks of Pollywog Creek.  One of my blogging friends is a photographer and I’ve so enjoyed seeing pictures there of a painted bunting . . and today’s pictures are truly spectacular.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their measuring line goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.(Ps 19:1-6).”

1 thought on “The Bunting is Back

  1. I actually whispered Psalm 19:1 to myself yesterday as I downloaded the new photos. I thought, too, of the video link you posted a fews days ago by Greg Koukl. The painted bunting certainly does point to a glorious Creator.

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