We All Want to Be Written Into the Story

For the week of September 11, 2006 

My 3 year old daughter Mary Beth loves to be written into the story.  She likes traditional fairy tales a lot.  But, she loves them even more when I invent a role for her in the story.  So, I’ve been rewriting fairy tales with a dark haired 3 year old named Mary Beth in a starring role.

So far, Mary Beth and her good friend Little Red Riding Hood stayed on the path and outsmarted the big bad wolf.  When I invented a part for her in the 3 Billy Goats Gruff, she was so scared of facing the Troll she hid under a blanket.  But, before the story was over she lectured the troll for his bad manners.  Most recently, she befriended Snow White and helped her fix dinner for the seven dwarves.

Mary Beth’s love of being in the story points to something that is true for all of us.  We all have a deep desire to be involved in a story that is bigger than ourselves.  All of us want to be a part of something grand.  We want to be written into the tale.

Be assured of this.  If you put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, then you are being written into the greatest true story ever told.  You are part of the grand script written by God where every detail matters.  We don’t understand how everything is working out, but we know that an all-knowing, all-powerful God is making sure that the great story works out for the good of those who love him, who are called according to His purpose.

I’m pastor Chris Brauns from The Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley.  We love knowing that God is writing a few pages through our church in Ogle County. 

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