At 2145 hours on June 5th, Eisenhower gave the go ahead for the Invasion. Today is the 57th anniversary of D-Day. Normandy may be one of the places my family will visit during our trip to Europe.* Keeping in mind…
Learning from the Bible’s Unsung Heroes
Trevin Wax: We hear a lot about Paul, Peter, James, and John. But there are plenty of people mentioned in the New Testament that can slip by us unnoticed. In Colossians 4, the Apostle Paul lists ten less-familiar names from…
China praise and prayer
Dr. Mike Wittmer interacts with an article about the growth of Christianity in China: I haven’t had the energy or time to post new entries during summer school, but I just read this encouraging article about the rise of Christianity…
We are rescued, then we obey (not vice versa)
Cornelius Plantinga: Moses emerges with God’s Ten Commandments, a set of requirements that people have to fulfill not in order to get rescued by God from slavery, but because they have been rescued. Stated succinctly, the imperative of the Christian…
The Word is to be regarded, not the preacher
The last bit is sobering for those called to pastoral ministry, yet it needs to be said. From the Second Helvetic Confession: Wherefore when this Word of God is now preached in the church by preachers lawfully called, we believe…
Does it dishonor God to long for a reunion with loved ones?
Randy Alcorn: Believers periodically tell me versions of the following: “We shouldn’t be thinking about reunion with loved ones, or the joys of Heaven. We should only be thinking about being united with Christ, who is our only treasure.” This…
Problems With Meaningless Membership
One of the things our church has worked hard at is keeping our membership rolls current. Our church is 153 years old and at times, this means removing names of people who are no longer committed to our church (only…
Thinking Theologically About Memorial Day
Kevin DeYoung: This is post probably has something to make everyone unhappy. But here goes. With Memorial Day on Monday (in the U.S.) and, no doubt, a number of patriotic services scheduled for this Sunday, I want to offer a…
Ever feel like this is how you came to lead?
HT: Darryl Dash
Motivation to Care For Your Pastor
As I have written previously (see motivation for caring for your pastor) one of the ways that the Bible motivates people to care for their pastor is by encouraging them that it is in their own best interest. Care for…