The story of the Titanic summarizes so much of the pride of modern man not to mention the future as well. Yet, even in the midst of such an awful event, some shine. The sinking of the Titanic is primarily…
Jason Wright reflects on Ohio State Coach Jim Tressel’s resignation
Former NFL player Jason Wright offers insight on how a professing Christian got caught up in NCAA infractions and he thinks we are partly to blame: I believe Jim Tressel loves God. I believe he has faith that Jesus is…
Signs that the sermon isn’t going well
Now, with Mike Wittmer’s help, I know what to watch for to see that my sermon isn’t going well. The list gets better, so you have to click through to his site. 13. Your associate pastor is warming up in…
Remember we are in a spiritual war?
Pastor Jeremy Carr reflects on the various ways Satan attacks and how we ought to respond. Spiritual warfare comes in many forms: false teaching, divisive spirits, deception, roadblocks to the Gospel, and yes even physical attack. I’m not prone to…
Lord, Do it Again! Keller, DeMoss, and Hansen on Revival
From The Gospel Coalition: Why isn’t there as much interest in revival among Christians today compared to former years? I posed that question to Tim Keller and Nancy Leigh DeMoss, each of whom has been inspired by reading about past…
Is Missions Worth the Risk?
Our church family looks forward to hosting a missions appointee to Togo on Sunday. Two years ago, I made a missions trip to Togo, Africa. I went with the experienced missionaries of ABWE. I was in good hands. Still, it…
Preaching to Yourself
Justin Taylor interviews Joe Thorn about his new book, Note to Self. I highly recommend this one! Justin Taylor Interview: Joe Thorn, “Note to Self” from Crossway on Vimeo.
Confronting Idols and Making Disciples
Well worth 5 minutes of your time. Confronting Idols & Making Disciples from Bill Kinnon on Vimeo. HT:
Cubs are Playing the Sox
Enter through the narrow gate
Like Ruth (Ruth 1:16-17) or Jonathan (1 Samuel 14:6), choose the road not taken. It will make all the difference. Robert Frost (1874–1963). Mountain Interval. 1920. 1. The Road Not Taken TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry…