I have written a post on The Gospel Coalition blog that considers how those who aspire to pastoral ministry should move forward. In that post, I tell just a little of my own story.
Using “O my God” instead of “Oh my God”
Justin Taylor: Just because “Oh my God!” is abused in our culture—a case of taking great God’s name lightly and in vain—doesn’t mean we should refrain from the vocative “O my God!” Note in the Bible how often . .…
Contentment That Slippery Thing
Are you content? Amy Scott’s title observes that contentment is “slippery,” and that was enough to get me to read the post. I wasn’t disappointed, and my wife will like it even more. Yesterday I watched my son ride his…
Spiritual Depression – It’s Causes and Cures
If you struggle emotionally, then this is for you. If nothing else, allow the video to introduce you to D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I’m ordering it. HT: Challies
Unpacking the Casey Anthony Case
I didn’t follow the Casey Anthony case closely enough to offer any meaningful opinions about guilt or innocence. But one of my goals with Unpacking Forgiveness was to consider situations when the wounds are deep and justice seems far away.…
A phrase I OFTEN say as a pastor
Increasingly, I find myself repeating this phrase to people: If you want to drive yourself crazy thinking about (insert rebellious children, doctrine of the Trinity, doctrine of election, problem of evil, the world economy, problems in your church, your spouse’…
Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, what do you think about?
John Piper: The really wonderful moments of joy in this world are not the moments of self-satisfaction, but self-forgetfulness. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon and contemplating your own greatness is pathological. At such moments we are made…
On Speaking With Authority
Mohler article on homosexuality in the Wall Street Journal
An excerpt from Dr. Mohler’s special to the Wall Street Journal: In this most awkward cultural predicament, evangelicals must be excruciatingly clear that we do not speak about the sinfulness of homosexuality as if we have no sin. As a…
“Despotism may govern without faith, but liberty cannot”
As Americans, along with our American neighbors to the north, celebrate our respective holidays, we would do well to ponder Tocqueville’s opinion that liberty cannot govern a people without faith. Nothing could be more truly patriotic than to be faithfully…