Tim Challies: Norway has experienced a nightmare—3 hours of abject terror. On Friday afternoon, right around 3:30, thirty-two year-old Anders Behring Breivik ignited a bomb outside government offices in Oslo, killing at least 7. As the bomb exploded, he was…
Thom Rainer reflects on the brevity of life
Thom Rainer (President and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources) reflects on the race of life: When my son, Art Rainer, began work on the book we co-authored, Simple Life, he spent a good bit of time in a cemetery. That’s…
Will you take your “boat” to the “island in Norway”?
On an online news article tells how Norway’s Kasper Ilaug responded to a call saying that nearby young people were in grave danger. Christian brothers and sisters, we have also received a desperate phone call. Will we respond like Kasper…
A Case for Polygamy?
Dr. Mike Wittmer: Many of us have been saying for some time that the normalization of homosexual marriage will inevitably open the door to the state’s acceptance of polygamy. Proponents of gay marriage typically scoff and say we’re silly for…
Yes. I did sign up. Time will tell.
Lame Christian Cliches
Karen Swallow Prior considers some of the lamest Christian cliches. If you are guilty of over using these, repent. Or at least be more original in your communication: I slipped. My husband and I were asked to take on another…
Going Deep: What is the thesis of biblical theology?
One of the most important books I have read in recent years is James Hamilton’s, God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment. The material is technical so you’ll have to focus in thinking about the below interview. But it is worth…
Don’t Fight Fire With Fire
From Peacemaker Ministries: In responding to an angry reaction, remember that “a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Prov. 15:1). Respond to anger with a gentle voice, relaxed posture, and calm gestures. Communicate in…
Are you patient in doing good in your local church?
Would you characterize your local church involvement as being “patient in well doing as you seek the glory and honor of Christ”? Or, are you more impatient? I am preparing to preach from Romans 7. In reading Romans, I was…
Choosing verses to memorize or to be encouraged by today!
Just take the time to read any of the below verses. If you love Christ and His Word, I think you will understand why I chose to memorize them. People sometimes ask how I choose verses to memorize. Rather than…