G.K. Chesterton: Tolerance is the virtue of people who don’t believe anything.* Quoted in The American Hour, by Os Guinness, New York: The Free Press, A Division of macmillan, Inc, 1993, page 174).
Warren Wiersbe: “He Knew I Was Pretending to be a Christian”
Oh for more Sunday School Teachers like Everett Ostrom who taught the great pastor and preacher Warren Wiersbe: Everett Ostrom was the pastor when I was confirmed. There were only three of us in the class, but he was faithful…
Eschew “Traditionalism.” Our Faith Cannot Be Be Caught and Tamed!
In his commentary on Hebrews, F.F. Bruce warns against a mistaken loyalty to nostalgia: The faith once for all delivered to the saints is not something which can be caught and tamed; it continually leads the saints forth to new…
How do we know that the Bible is God’s Word?
Understandably, the below line is a lot to think about, but it’s worth considering carefully. The statement tells us that we know the Bible is God’s Word because it is self-authenticating. Some may object to the Word of God should…
What should I look for in a church?
Ann Voskamp: How to Go Into All the World
Do you have a globe in your home? Read Ann Voskamp’s thoughts on how to go into all the world.
Why Joni Eareckson Tada Wants to Bring Her Wheelchair to Heaven
Justin Taylor: Joni, from her moving booklet Hope . . . The Best of Things: I sure hope I can bring this wheelchair to heaven. Now, I know that’s not theologically correct. But I hope to bring it and put…
Paradigm Shifts Introduced by Grief
Jill Sullivan is a blogger who lost a daughter to cancer. I read her blog and find that I am encouraged by her humble wisdom. She recently posted: All this week, I’ve been sitting in school workshops. The last two…
A couple of favorite cheers and a handy reference tool for football games
Football season is upon us. If you have problems remembering the cheers, you might want to print out the below for easy reference. I continue to be partial to the Stillman Valley favorite, “1-2-3-4 / you know what those cleats…
Forgiveness for Terrorists?
If you’ve ever struggled when you hear a group of Christians offer blanket forgiveness then a guest post I did on Zach Nielsen’s blog may be of interest.