I am guest blogging for Vitamin Z this week – – If you click over to his blog, you can read why I let Jeremiah blow out the candes!
Pastor Bob Bixby responds to a Rockford Pastor’s Support of Pridefest
I am thankful that Pastor Bob Bixby of Morningstar church has responded to a Rockford (IL) pastor who wrote a guest column for the Rockford Register Star explaining why he is a “proud ally of Pridefest. Solberg (of 2nd Congregational…
Fathers Day at The Red Brick Church
As promised, I provided manly Father’s Day presents for children who did the homework. Our text for today was Ephesians 5:22-6:3 and the central point was that the relationship between husband and wife explain and help us understand the relationship…
Happy Father’s Day from the Cosby Show
Marybeth Posts: Pumpkin journal day 2
The pumpkins are going well. My dad and I’s good stuart ship of the earth has sprouted soon it will be vining all around. I am surprised at how well the pumpkins are doing I will hopefully take a video…
Picking out Father’s Day Presents Made Easy; It’s All About Manly Verbs
If you attend The Red Brick Church picking out presents for Father’s Day just got a whole lot easier. Complete the homework and come by my study early on Sunday. I am even supplying gift bags and tissue paper. But…
Mary, Mary (not) contrary, how does your garden grow?
With one daughter leaving for college in the Fall, it seems like our youngest is growing up as fast as her pumpkins. So I’m savoring the summer. Mother Goose once asked: Mary, Mary, quite contrary How does your garden grow?…
Thankful for an Image of Church Teens Loving Church Children (and where’s Jamie?)
Part of our church’s vision for youth is that we would see interaction between different age groups, that is that we would be “intergenerational.” We don’t want to compartmentalize and isolate teens, but rather see them build relationships with our…
A sermon series on emotions?
I am looking for input. I am tentatively planning a topical/expository sermon series on emotions this Fall. So many battle emotions such as depression, anger, anxiety, and fear. But I would like to hear from those in the pew. Do…
The Hogan’s Heroes Response to Phil Johnson’s Retirement
Stalwart blogger Phil Johnson has retired from Pyromaniacs prompting this scene at headquarters.