Stating the obvious, we don’t see blind spots. That’s why they’re called blind spots. So, rather than being defensive when someone points something out, let’s listen to advice and accept instruction – – that in the end we can be…
How to Choose Your Heirs (And How God Sorts Out His)
The below story by Tim Keller is powerful. But, first, remind yourself of the biblical text. “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before…
Stillman Valley Football: “Get There Early”
Everyone got to Burlington early. My wife and daughter were the first ones in the stands (on either side of the field). I had to track down the gate person to pay for our ticket. Our teams showed up early…
Three Small Steps Before Your Next Meeting?
What would happen if everyone on your board or committee accomplished three modest task between now and your next meeting? How encouraged would we be if everyone could share three specific things they took the time to do? It does…
What Nixon Would Have Said if the First Manned Moon Landing Failed
Twenty Two words shares the statement President Nixon was prepared to read if the moon expedition failed and the astronauts died. See here. HT: Thom Rainer
How to Spot Someone Lying
Question: How do you spot someone lying? Answer: Try looking in the mirror. Sometimes the hardest liar to spot is the one in the mirror. In a new book Spy the Lie three former CIA officers detail strategies for detecting…
For Those Who Recruit Workers in Local Churches
Here’s a post from Fall of 2009. It is that time of the year when churches are working to make sure they have slots filled for Fall ministries. It’s a challenge. “The workers are few.” But before you get discouraged,…
Analyzing Half-Hearted Obedience: Identifying the Cause
Why is half-hearted obedience so common? Why do people come to church if they don’t plan to love Christ with all their heart, soul, and mind? If we can identify the cause, then we can repent where repentance is needed.…
Norway Man Who Murdered 77 Sentenced to 21 Years
John Piper wisely interacts with the news that Anders Breiviks was sentenced to only 21 years: Anders Breivik’s sentence for killing 77 people in Norway on July 22, 2011 is outrageous. He was deemed sane and sentenced to serve 21…
Stillman Valley Football: Worth the “Drive”
Here is the second installment of Stillman Valley Football: Monday Morning Football. It was a long drive to Tinley Park: over 100 miles of busy traffic one way. The JV rolled and the Varsity lost by one. Football demands “drive.”…