Church leaders would do well to memorize Nehemiah 12:43. It envisions joyful worship.˚ In the past, I have objected to Proverbs 29:18 being used as the rationale for a church vision statement (See “Where there is no vision the people…
Without an Historical Adam the Good News Turns Bad
It is becoming increasingly “popular” to deny the historicity of Adam. Michael Reeves, on the Desiring God site, argues that denying an historical Adam has fundamental theological implications. Nor it is not just that the biblical genealogies depict Adam as…
Adultery: A Room Not Worth the View
Wendy Plump has written an article for the New Yorker about the consequences of breaking one’s marriage vows. As Justin Taylor observed, in a post with the title The Empty Horror of an Extra-Marital Affair, it is not pleasant reading.…
How do we decide what is right and what is wrong?
Tim Keller, Albert Mohler, and Collin Hansen discuss the proper basis for making moral evaluations. Consider Keller’s point at the end. If the premise, “there is no god,” leads to a conclusion, “then there is no such thing as right…
Risk is Right
David Platt in the forward to Piper’s forthcoming book, Risk is Right: Retreat or risk? Throughout redemptive history, that question has confronted God’s people. As John Piper references in the pages of the new book Risk Is Right (Crossway, 2013),…
Steve Dewitt on Propitiation
Steve Dewitt, author of the Challies recommended, Eyes Wide Open, with some excellent thoughts on propitiation. He concludes: Did you catch it? God propitiates his own wrath. Know anybody else like that? Will China pay off the US debt? Will…
Thom Rainer: The Main Reason People Leave a Church
At the Red Brick Church we’re working hard on a shared vision for meaningful membership. A recent article by Thom Rainer helps explain why. Thom Rainer: Numbers of gifted persons and organizations have studied the phenomenon of the church “back…
Flash Mobs Are An Illusion
Flash mobs appear to be spontaneous events apart from leadership. The reality is just the opposite. Leadership is always needed. There is something very appealing about flash mobs. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in a mall when people spontaneously…
Kevin DeYoung: Why pastors and elders need your prayers
Kevin DeYoung: Your pastors and elders need your help to live out the calling of Acts 6:4: “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Because everything seems more important and seems more urgent…
How can a church best serve families with children and teens?
RSS readers will need to click through to watch my answer to this question.* How can a church best serve families, children and teens?-Chris Brauns from christianitydotcom2 on GodTube. *I have previously posted this video.