The Bible on the History Channel – What’s your prediction? Will the children in Jericho die?

What’s your prediction? Will the History Channel make it clear that the children of Jericho died? If the mini-series does show the complete annihilation of Jericho, will many protests be raised? The first episode of The Bible mini-series ended with…

“Don’t give up on the church; The New Testament knows nothing of churchless Christianity”

I often remind our people that the church is as much God’s plan for this age as the ark was for Noah’s. In this same spirit, Kevin DeYoung writes: The church is not an incidental part of God’s plan. Jesus…

An Iranian Pastor Illustrates Calvin’s Point: “A firm and constant, yet sober, zeal towards God”

Calvin saw the testimony of Christian martyrs as a firm proof for the credibility of Scripture. Read the quote. Watch the video. Now with what assurance ought we to enlist under that doctrine which we see confirmed and attested to…