U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on Islam in Contrast With Winston Churchill’s Views

Cal Thomas contrasts the current Prime Minister’s evaluation of Islam with Winston Churchill’s summary: Following the hacking death of a British soldier by two alleged Islamic extremists, Prime Minister David Cameron said, “There is nothing in Islam that justifies this…

Books on My Desk Tonight (Including Dan Phillips’s, God’s Wisdom on Proverbs)

If you love God’s Word, take advantage of the resources available. For instance, Dan Phillips book, God’s Wisdom in Proverbs, is a wonderful introduction to Proverbs. You can read my endorsement here. I am preparing to preach on Proverbs over the…

David Berlinski: “The idea that the ‘world of matter’ is the ‘world that matters’ is simply not true.”

A fascinating dialogue between Peter Robinson (of the Hoover Institution, a Stanford based think tank) and David Berlinski, a philosopher and mathematician who is agnostic about God and does not speculate on the origins of life, regarding his book  The…