Read here Al Mohler’s comments about the declining population of children in Japan. He writes: The nation of Japan faces a devastating population crisis. The crisis, however, is not a problem of too many people living in Japan, but too…
If You’ve Ever Lost Your Cell Phone
It would be extremely bad form to use this to get a call in church. But, it could be helpful if you lose your phone. (Click here). The trouble is, I sometimes lose my phone when it is off.
A Mom Tribute
I am sure that my wife is going to like this one! HT: One of the sides of the Triangle: Andrew Ford
John Piper on Myanmar
Read John Piper’s 6 Ways that Christians Should react to the Disaster for the Burmese people. (Click here).
C.J. Mahaney on Modesty
As the father of two daughters, this is great encouragement for me personally. Read it here.
Discerning Reader Reviews Joel Osteen
The Discerning Reader site has posted a review of the most recent Joel Osteen book. Read it here. I have tagged this post as recommended reading. For the record, the review is the recommended reading: not the Osteen book.
An Interview of the Prince Caspian Director
CT interviews the director of the forthcoming Chronicles of Narnia movie, Prince Caspian. Read it here.
A Special Baby Image Bearer in the Alaska Governor’s Mansion
Al Mohler blogs about a new baby who will be living in the Governor’s mansion in Alaska. A little boy with an extra chromosome was born on April 18. His name is Trig Paxson Van Palin and his new home is…
Home School, Public School, or Private?
Josh Harris wisely encourages his church (apparently a new members class? This was at a Member’s Meeting, see Gunny’s comment below) on how they should interact with one another about the choices families make in their children’s education. HT: Justin…
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
Chesteron said (paraphrased) that the reason truth is stranger than fiction is because people make up fiction, but God is the author of truth. In a secular culture, because we are shaped more than we know by “fictional thinking” God’s…