I finished my intense week of study at Lake Geneva with Dr. Dan Block. We focused on the book of Deuteronomy which is more foundational for understanding Scripture than most of us realize. One of Dr. Block’s points of emphasis…
The Effect of Technology
My daughter still assures me that she is on the only 8th grader on earth without a cell phone. That being the case, we continue to dialogue about the idea of her having a cell phone. And, we have had…
Studying Deuteronomy / You Must Watch
I am intensely studying Deuteronomy at a retreat with other doctoral graduates at Lake Geneva, WI. We are privileged to have both Haddon Robinson, President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Dan Block of Wheaton leading our time together. To give…
Who Are You?
Who are you? In asking that question, I do not mean, “What’s your name?” Rather, what is the nature of your heart? What motivates you and moves you forward in life? Before you answer too quickly, meditate on Proverbs 16:2.…
Your Sin Will Find You Out
Read this NY Times article (Click here) about how a Mac camera was used to catch some incompetent thieves. The late Don Knotts would have been a good choice to play these guys in a movie. The worst part is…
What is the Most Crying Need of the Church Today?
Justin Taylor has posted a summary of how some leading pastors and theologians answered that question. Click here. If you only read one of the answers, I would recommend Dever’s. Remember the Church (composed of local churches) is as much…
Self Control, Atkin’s, Discipline, Etc.
You can expect that by Christmas I’ll look like the guy over on the Jollyblogger. Here’s the deal. Proverbs 25:28, says, “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” When we fail to be…
On Being Salt and Light
Tullian Tchividjian reminds Christians that transformed people are called to transform culture. (Read it here). Certainly, this transformation includes evangelism. But, we should also transform culture by being salt and light wherever God has called us to live and serve.
More Wisdom on Home Schooling and Public Schooling
Last week, I pointed to an excellent challenge that Josh Harris (of I Kissed Dating Goodbye fame) gave members of his church on the issue of school choice. Jollyblogger David Wayne continues the discussion today sharing both his own experiences…
Another Post On Modesty
It may be time to pre-order C.J. Mahaney’s upcoming book, Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World, or read the next excerpt by clicking here.