When, like me, you’re neither handy nor handsome, then you must resort to getting fix-it tips off the Internet. Right now, I have this exact problem at my house and I’m considering using this approach to fixing it. In short:…
The Principle of the Rope in the Negative (Achan’s Sin)
Scot McKnight (The Jesus Creed) has an interesting thread going on Achan’s sin (Joshua 7). A mother asked Scot how she should respond to her eleven year old daughter who asked her mother, “How can it be fair that Achan’s…
Read This Before Your Vacation
C.J. Mahaney writes a very practical article that might make the difference for your family on vacation. This one is for parents, and especially dad’s. Click here.
I Want This Little Girl to Be a “Brick”
We have some cute children as a part of our church family at the Red Brick Church. But, we could always use one like this; her interpretation of the Lord’s Prayer is something. HT: Rebecca Writes
More Digital Information and Less Attention Span
Al Mohler writes a provocative column on how the digital age is changing our attention spans. College students no longer simply listen to a lecture. Instead, they instant message, shop, and read online newspapers during college classes. We need to…
Prayer for Steven Curtis Chapman
This is a very deep valley for the Chapman family. (Click here).
Google Calendar / The Red Brick Church / & Your Life
Google Calendar is really slick – – you should think about using it. If you are part of our church family, you can click here to see our church calendar. We are stepping up attention to keeping this calendar current. …
Adrian Warnock Interviews John Piper
Since seminary, no one has theologically influenced my thinking more than John Piper. He challenges me in so many different ways. You can listen/watch Adrian Warnock (a blogger in England) interview Piper when he was recently preaching in Wales. Click…
Another Awful Story Where Forgiveness Must be Unpacked
Andrew Ford pointed out this forgiveness story about a four year old who saw her own mother murdered, had her throat cut, but survived, and ended up saving her four month old sister’s life. You can read the whole story…
News on Google Earth / It’s Been a Quiet Week in my hometown: Keosauqua.
Google Earth now features news icons on different geographical locations. It is cool. See this post. I was excited to see what is happening in my hometown. Alas, there is no news. We can only wait for Sheep Empire Day…