All Sunday’s are Equally Important, Not All Are Equally Strategic – – 9/13/2009 is Coming Up

Why not contact a leader in your church and volunteer for a new ministry in the Fall?  It’s the most strategic time of the year to store up treasure in Heaven where moth and rust don’t destroy, and where thieves…

Calvin on the Lord’s Supper: “And although my mind can think beyond what my tongue can utter, yet even my mind is conquered and overwhelmed by the greatness of the thing.”

Calvin: If one may reduce to words so great a mystery which I see that I do not even sufficiently comprehend with my mind. I therefore freely admit that no man should measure its sublimity by the little measure of…

To have fallen into any one of the fads from Gnosticism to Christian Science would indeed have been obvious and tame . . .

. . . But to avoid them all has been one whirling adventure; and in my vision the heavenly chariot flies thundering through the ages, the dull heresies sprawling and prostrate, the will truth reeling but erect.  Chesterton, Orthodoxy, page…

Mike Wittmer on How Obama, Gates and Others Could Biblically Move Forward

Mike Wittmer: Wouldn’t it be refreshing—and wouldn’t it be the first step toward genuine healing—if Gates, Obama, and even Crowley (if he sinned against Gates in ways that have not yet been substantiated) repented of whatever way they had wronged…