An article I wrote on forgiveness is available on Reformation 21 Magazine today. I’ve been thinking recently about something television star Kelsey Grammer said. It’s not because I saw a rerun of Cheers. Unfortunately, the context is tragic. Grammer has…
Do We Have Free Will?
Andy Naselli: Non-Christians and Christians alike often give the same answer to difficult questions like these: Why did God allow sin in the first place? Why does God save some people and not others? Why does God send people to…
“I Don’t Want to Go to Heaven . . .”
Mike Wittmer: I don’t want to go to heaven. Not that I’m lobbying for the other place – – I want no part of everlasting fire and unbearable, unquenchable torment . . . I’d love to go to heaven –…
There Can Only Be One
Questions that encourage us to think about the richness of Scripture are worthwhile. This one qualifies. Gunny’s question – – "If R.C. only had one book in prison: The Bible. Only one chapter: Isaiah 6. Only one verse: Genesis…
The National Debt Road Trip
Very worth watching. HT: Z
For Those Who Think Their Sin Affects No One Else
“Rabbi Simeon bar Yohai taught: There is a story about men who were sitting on a ship, one of them lifted up a borer and began boring a hole beneath his seat. His companions said to him: ‘What are you…
Mike Wittmer on the Prayer of Jabez
It’s probably been a while since you thought about Bruce Wilkinson and his hot selling book, The Prayer of Jabez. But, given the reception it received in evangelicalism, its reception tells us something about ourselves worth considering. And, I don’t…
The Bible is a Missionary Book
Dr. Paul Beals: The Pauline model for missions does not stand alone on the horizon like a silo raising out of an Iowa prairie. It is an integral part of the biblical panorama in which the triune God reveals Himself…
“Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end”
Know this song? Either way, you hopefully know the text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 " For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to…
A Turn Around Church?
This sermon excerpt may make you mad. But, there is a point. You need to read the whole thing – no skipping ahead. *********** Once there was a church that was dry and dusty, frustrated and confused. It smelled like…