My friend Lamonte preaches in a different cultural context than I do. His congregation is more vocally interactive than mine. Way more interactive. For example, in his tradition if the pastor pauses while preaching, often someone will cry out, “Help…
The Need for a Moral Economic Awakening
Owen Strachan: NYT columnist David Brooks has a thoughtful column out today called “The Next Culture War” that suggests that the shameful levels of debt our country is now carrying are a moral issue. He’s got a great point, I…
It is one kind of insult to snub a dinner invitation; it is quite another to accept and then, once seated at the table, blatantly spit in the soup.
Many churches observe communion this Sunday. The Lord’s Supper is a special opportunity to participate/fellowship together as church family. Don’t insult Christ by refusing His invitation for superficial reasons. (Recognizing that there are reasons such as poor health or the…
“. . . every bush and tree with fire of God”
Earth’s cramm’d wi’ heav’n And every bush and tree with fire of God; But only he who sees Takes off his shoes … Author unknown.* How can we look at the magnificence of this tree and not take off…
“It is idle to talk always of the alternative of faith and reason . . .”
G.K. Chesteron: It is idle to talk always of the alternative of reason and faith. Reason is itself a matter of faith. Quoted in Kelly Clark, Return to Reason, page 123.
Legislation Will Not Provide the Solution
Edward J. Young: It is useless to talk of men solving their own problems, as long as they are sinners, for in its very nature sin tends to divide men and to make them hate one another. . . the…
Christians need not be intellectually troubled that they can’t explain why God allows evil.
A theodicy is “a defense of God’s goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil.” A theodicy speaks to the question, “If God is good and all-powerful, how do we explain the existence of evil.” So how do…
Sources of Authority
God willing, this morning my sermon will focus on the sources of authority we recognize in our lives. Of course, I will preach that God’s Word should be our only rule for life and conduct even as I encourage our…
We All Want to Be Written into the Story
My 3 year* old daughter Mary Beth loves to be written into the story. She likes traditional fairy tales a lot. But, she loves them even more when I invent a role for her in the story. So, I’ve been…
Frame on Why We are Sometimes “Contentiously Foolish”
Honorable people avoid strife. Foolish people are quick to quarrel. Proverbs 20:3 in four different translations: It is an honor for a man to keep aloof from strife, but every fool will be quarreling. ESV It is to a man’s…