I posted previously that parents should strive for homes where the aroma of Christ is a part of every day life. One of the ways we do this is through family devotions. My family is currently using the book, Big…
A New Forgiveness Quiz – Questions 3&4
It is still not too late to enter the contest. I will continue to blog through the quiz on consecutive Friday’s until December 4th. Each Friday I will give away two copies of Unpacking Forgiveness. On December 4th, I will…
Thank God for Christian Publishing and be sure your pastor has a book allowance
Allan Fisher gives us a nice explanation here of why we should be thankful for Christian publishers. All of us should be thankful for Christian books. Reading is a significant way we connect to the Body of Christ. It is…
Catching Up With Miss Mango
It has been awhile since I posted on Miss Mango. For those who are new to my blog, I took a picture of the little girl to the right when I was in Mango, Togo last spring. I am part…
Our smiling faces are on the cover of Sports Illustrated. “Let’s buy 5 copies for our mothers”
Sure, it’s the ugliest 9-0 record in D1 history. Still, we’ll take it. It’s a great day for those from the GSOI.
Brothers and Sisters Stick Together Regardless
The primary way that the New Testament describes the relationship between Christians is that we are brothers and sisters. The point of this post is that we should relate to our local church as to family. If you understand this…
John MacArthur on what to look for in a pastor
MacArthur: “We need sanctifying pastors” HT: Deek Dubberly
Who can you encourage “all over the world”?
A chief strategy of the evil one is to isolate Christians. He wants us to believe that we are part of nothing larger than the squabbles in our church committee meetings Satan tries to shrink our conception of what God…
Let’s Wake Up the Hawkeye Echoes
There’s never been a day in my long sojourn on this earth when I could wake up with Iowa undefeated in November. We’ve got Indiana in Iowa City today. Sure, it’s not Florida-Alabama, but we’ll be pumped never the less. …
A New Forgiveness Quiz – Questions 3&4
It is still not too late to enter the contest. I will continue to blog through the quiz on consecutive Friday’s until December 4th. Each Friday I will give away two copies of Unpacking Forgiveness. On December 4th, I will…