Per Alexis de Tocqueville, The Secret of America’s Greatness

Read below to see what Alexis de Tocqueville saw as America’s most significant asset. It’s worth getting to the end!

In 1831, twenty six year old Alexis de Tocqueville was commissioned to travel to the United States of America.  His official assignment was to evaluate the prison system, but Tocqueville was motivated to understand why the U.S.A. was so immediately prosperous.

Tocqueville stayed less than two years, but he returned with many notes and by 1835 he had published his incredible, Democracy in America.  It came out in two volumes and the edition that I own is just under 1000 pages.  But, what is pertinent for this post was an important paragraph near the end of volume 2 in which Tocqueville makes a statement with which few of us, recognizing God’s good hand in this provision, would disagree!

Fellowship is fundamentally a reality, not an experience

Most often , Christians speak of fellowship as an activity or subjective experience.  Yet, “fellowship” translates the Greek word “koinonia” and a better translation would be “invested partnership” or “a sharing together”: fellowship is an objective reality. John Stott explains:…