Last week I recommended Dan Phillips’ book, The World-Tilting Gospel. For a limited time, it is available for free download on the Kindle. See here.
Maybe laugh this weekend?
Good for guys like me who sulk occasionally to read Sam Van Eman’s post: My wife and I hadn’t talked in days. I was in a depressed state of exhaustion and anger after months of unusual hours, a grueling workload…
The Occasion Is Piled High With Difficulty
Abraham Lincoln once said, “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew,…
Right and Best
Most of the time when I work with people as a pastor, they do not question that the Bible is right or dispute what I am saying. Most people believe that God is real and that there is right and…
If you think the Red Brick Church has accessibility issues. . .
Our church currently has a project going to install a ramp to make it more accessible – – a project that I heartily endorse. However, after seeing the below, I realize that there are churches that are far less accessible.…
Thankful for John R.W. Stott (1921-2011)
John R.W. Stott died this morning and I am pausing in the midst of a busy day to be thankful for him. From where I type this in our small town in Stillman Valley, IL, I can look over onto…
Will you take your “boat” to the “island in Norway”?
On an online news article tells how Norway’s Kasper Ilaug responded to a call saying that nearby young people were in grave danger. Christian brothers and sisters, we have also received a desperate phone call. Will we respond like Kasper…
The Joy of Being an Answer to Prayer
Here is a thought worth meditating on: Sometimes when we pray someone would be blessed, we end up being the instrument God uses to bless the person for whom we prayed. God answers our praying by saying, “I will bless…
The Centrality of Preaching in the Life of the Church
This discussion took place in the context of a church planting discussion. But it relates just as directly to church in general. I wish all our people could watch this. Angie Cheatham from Crossway: At The Gospel Coalition, Mike McKinley…
A phrase I OFTEN say as a pastor
Increasingly, I find myself repeating this phrase to people: If you want to drive yourself crazy thinking about (insert rebellious children, doctrine of the Trinity, doctrine of election, problem of evil, the world economy, problems in your church, your spouse’…