People in our culture are way too petty. We make conflict mountains out of far too many petty molehills. That’s why I have a chapter in Unpacking Forgiveness designed to help people know when to let go of a matter.…
When to Overlook an Offense
Tim Challies posts today about when to confront and when to overlook an offense. In so doing, he draws on Unpacking Forgiveness. Read it here.
Young Orison Piper’s Case Against Spanking
As far as arguments against spanking go, this is the best I’ve heard. (Click here).
The Business of the Church is Not The Business of the Church
“The business of the church is not the business of the church.” First, the quote is not original to me, and I’m not sure who wants or deserves credit, so I won’t give it. I think a double meaning is…
Obama is the Most Extreme Pro-Abortion Candidate Ever
Justin Taylor interacts with the thoughts of Robert P.George: Readers of this blog know the esteem I hold for Robert P. George–in my view (and that of many others), he is one of the great moral philosophers and public intellectuals…
Need Wisdom for Your Marriage? Hint: If You Are Married, You do. Listen to This.
In this interview (at about the 16 minute mark) John Piper shares transparently about how he and his wife worked through a difficult period in their marriage. I think it is helpful to reflect on not only how God used…
What Would You Say in your, “The Last Lecture”?
The late Randy Pausch’s book, The Last Lecture, continues to be on the bestseller list. The book is based on a lecture that Pausch gave at Carnegie Mellon after discovering he had terminal cancer. In writing the book, Pausch said…
Piper on Preaching
Even if you are not a preacher, hopefully you love great preaching. This is some highly interesting material and some great thinking on preaching. HT: Preach the Word
The Florida Healing Outpouring
Here is an article about the recent so called revival in Florida. It includes some comments from an interview with Tullian Tchividjian. Notice that Tullian does not hesitate to say that the leader of the revival is a false prophet…
Thankful on Father’s Day
My niece, Kirsten, got married this weekend (to Mike) and Mary Beth was the flower girl. I cannot imagine being more blessed on Father’s Day. Mary Beth is five. Ben is not quite 11. Christopher is 12. Allison is 14. …