Loud Cell Phone Talkers, Toilet Texters, and the Hope for a More Civilized Future

Jeffrey O’Brien in Fortune Magazine: Where is the line when it comes to appropriate cell phone behavior? Is it ok to talk in a crowded restaurant? An elevator? How about interrupting an actual, you know, face-to-face conversation to answer a…

The Chemical Danger of “Hooking Up” is that it Creates People Less Able to Connect

Scot McKnight interacts with a new book that makes a physiological argument against the “hooking up” culture.  (A book I have not read). The most alarming feature of this book for me is that sexual activity neurochemically secretes the chemicals…

An Interview with Danny Akin: On Apathy, Baptisms, Re-Baptisms, and Having Children

Trevin Wax continues an interview with Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Seminary.  I’m not a Southern Baptist, but, I found myself agreeing with at least three things he said. Dr. Akin observes that one of the big challenges being faced…