From The Gospel Coalition Blog: We’re continuing our new feature, “You Asked,” where readers send us theological, biblical, and practical ministry questions that we pass along to The Gospel Coalition’s Council members and other friends for an answer we can…
Does it dishonor God to long for a reunion with loved ones?
Randy Alcorn: Believers periodically tell me versions of the following: “We shouldn’t be thinking about reunion with loved ones, or the joys of Heaven. We should only be thinking about being united with Christ, who is our only treasure.” This…
Francis Chan: God’s Thoughts Are Not Our Thoughts
Francis Chan reflects on people who begin sentences with phrases like, “I can’t believe in a God who. . .” This brief video is well worth 10 minutes of your time. HT: Randy Alcorn
If you’re concerned about Harold Camping’s prophecy, then read Randy Alcorn’s blog before midnight
Now that I think about it, should I have said “midnight Israel time” in the title? In any case, if you’re old enough to remember the book, 88 Reasons the Rapture Will Happen in 1988, then you may not need…
Owen Strachan on Edwards on Hell
Al Mohler, Time Magazine, and Rob Bell
Time Magazine is featuring a cover story about Rob Bell’s new book Love Wins. Dr. Mohler has responded with a blog post: The edition of TIME magazine timed for Easter Week features a cover story on the controversy over Rob…
A Soft View of Hell Makes Hard People
Denying the reality of hell may be very attractive to some. But people who hold this position are likely to become hard, embittered people when they encounter evil. Yesterday, I posted about Rob Bell’s theologically liberal views on the doctrine…
Hell? Yes. . .
Best selling author Rob Bell insists that the answer to questions about the reality of eternal hell is essentially “no.” But orthodox theology has long recognized the doctrine of eternal punishment and soberly answered “yes” to the question of whether…
Kurt Goff interviews Justin Taylor
I have enjoyed being interviewed a couple of times by Kurt Goff. There is much to learn from this interview and Justin’s balanced answers. I appreciate the section where he says, and this is not an exact quote, “There is…
A controversy about Hell may melt the Internet
A theological controversy covered by CNN (see here) demonstrates how dialogue is changing in the age of the Internet. Justin Taylor has questioned Rob Bell’s views on Hell – – and an exponentially growing discussion has ensued. Controversies such as…