Cal Thomas: Mocking Jesus of Nazareth is nothing new. Whether it is today’s Lady Gaga or a “Hunky Jesus” contest in San Francisco, Jesus has been the subject of ridicule by those who do not know Him. Even on the…
In the nursing home, every day is Saturday
Theologically speaking, we all know that today, the Saturday between the Cross and the Resurrection, is the longest day of the year.* And, it pictures where we are in life. While we have a certain and fixed hope, we still…
The Birther Question Deserves Our Attention This Weekend
Donald Trump has recently made a point of asking to see documentation for the President’s place of birth. While I don’t have people on the ground in Hawaii, I’m not personally persuaded this questions needs any attention. I’m not planning…
What will you look like after the resurrection?
If you have truly believed the Gospel, then you can look forward to the resurrection. Those who have died in Christ will rise in Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). So, what will our resurrected bodies look like? The best way to…
One way to prepare for Holy Week
Good Friday and Easter are only a few weeks away. Perhaps, you have already been meditating and preparing. If not, I would offer one approach: Read the Gospel of Mark as many times as possible. It’s the briefest of the…
In Christ Alone
HT: Kevin DeYoung
In the nursing home, every day is Saturday
Theologically speaking, we all know that today, the Saturday between the Cross and the Resurrection, is the longest day of the year. And, it pictures where we are in life. While we have a certain and fixed hope, we still…
Amy Scott Looking Forward
There are illustrations here for men and women alike. This is a helpful and hopeful reflection for the day between Friday and Resurrection Day. My husband likes to tell the story about when he was growing up, all the kids…