In 325 Constantinople, modern day Instanbul, was seething with discussion. The buzz in the city was not about a sports team or about an election. People were talking about the doctrine of the Trinity. One church leader said, if in…
Is it sin if I didn’t mean to do it?
First, sinning without intent is preferred to consciously doing the wrong thing. All sins are equally wrong, but all sins are not equally bad. A lustful thought is as wrong as adultery. Certainly adultery is worse. Having said that, whether…
Three minutes and twenty eight seconds to learn/review the heart of the doctrine of salvation
Mark Driscoll on the “Great Exchange”: HT: Z
Heidelberg Q. 21 – What is true faith?
Try reading through this question and answer twice. The first time read to get a feel for it. The second time read with rhythm and expression. Q. 21 – What is true faith? A. True faith is not only a…
What is the Christian’s only comfort in life and death?
One of the most beautiful doctrinal statements ever written is the first question and answer of the Heidelberg catechism. Perhaps, read this aloud to your family at dinner time. Heidelberg Question 1. What is thy only comfort in life and…
What does that little word “Amen” express?
Heidelberg Question 129. What does that little word “Amen express”? Answer: Amen means, This is to be sure! It is even more sure that God listens to my prayer, than that I really desire what I pray for.
Review of last week’s sermon notes
Last Sunday, I stressed that a goal for our pulpit is to consider how sound doctrine shapes how we see life. It’s worth glancing at the sermon notes again to recall not only some of the definitions I gave so…
Hell? Yes. . .
Best selling author Rob Bell insists that the answer to questions about the reality of eternal hell is essentially “no.” But orthodox theology has long recognized the doctrine of eternal punishment and soberly answered “yes” to the question of whether…
Kurt Goff interviews Justin Taylor
I have enjoyed being interviewed a couple of times by Kurt Goff. There is much to learn from this interview and Justin’s balanced answers. I appreciate the section where he says, and this is not an exact quote, “There is…
A controversy about Hell may melt the Internet
A theological controversy covered by CNN (see here) demonstrates how dialogue is changing in the age of the Internet. Justin Taylor has questioned Rob Bell’s views on Hell – – and an exponentially growing discussion has ensued. Controversies such as…