One of the things I appreciate most about Dr. Mohler’s leadership is his interaction with current issues. Dr. Mohler writes: The New York Times Magazine addresses an important question in its August 22, 2010 cover story — “What Is It…
Douthat on the Mosque Controversy
Ross Douthat’s thoughts on the NYC mosque/Ground Zero controversy are the most insightful I have heard thus far. There’s an America where it doesn’t matter what language you speak, what god you worship, or how deep your New World roots…
The number one threat for America?
Scott Moore points to what one professor says is the number one threat to America. I suspect he is correct. I will never forget the serious look on Dr. Richard Pratt’s face one Monday night as he was expressing his…
Comparing Wilder’s Our Town with 2010’s New York
After I read this post by Patrick Deneen, I went to my shelf and took down a copy of Our Town for summer reading. It’s worth comparing the “Friends” culture with Grover’s Corner. . . . The juxtaposition of Grover’s…
Millennials are honest on faith and they have good questions!
I met this afternoon for an hour with a group of eight eighth graders. It was one of the most enjoyable meetings I have ever had as a pastor. They had thoughtful and honest questions about what the Bible teaches:…
Tim Keller blogs about the big issues facing the Western church
Tim Keller is one of the wisest pastoral voices today in the Western hemisphere. Read his thoughts about what the Western church faces in the days to come: 1. The opportunity for extensive culture-making in the U.S. In an interview,…
“As long as there are people who weep, apostasy is not total.”
I recently encouraged people to read Isaiah 59:9-15. Admittedly, they are not upbeat verses. In this section, Isaiah laments over Israel. You won’t need the the prophetic gifts of Daniel to see their application for our day. “Therefore justice is…
Neil Postman Lecture on Living in a Technological Society
Tony Reinke has posted links to a Neil Postman lecture available on You-tube. The late Neil Postman was the author of Amusing Ourselves to Death. If you are interested in how technology is shaping our identity you will profit from…
Why Do People Live Unexamined Lives?
Os Guinness (in Joe Gibbs, Game Plan for Life): One reason people live unexamined lives is because of what Blaise Pascal, a seventeenth-century French scientist called “diversions.” We are reluctant, even afraid, to admit that we all, without exception, will…
Does Informality Reflect a Suspicion of Authority?
Occasionally, the teens who occupy my table question whether or not they should be required to practice manners which seem arbitrary standards of culture. In making such a protest, they reflect their culture which increasingly rejects formality. Why is it…