Another Bonhoeffer Quote
Conspicuous Providence
No Quitting!
You can probably think of someone who has stepped away from involvement in a local church. There are many reasons people decide to pull away. They find a sport or some other form of entertainment that takes the place of church,
they keep putting off finding a new church home,
they are disillusioned with churches because of a past conflict,
or they feel guilty about choices they have made.
ESV vs NIV in Philemon 22
I have been disappointed with the NIV while preaching through Philemon. An example would be the translation of χαρίζομαι / charizōmai in verse 22:
John Murray Quotes
John Murray was a professor at Westminster. His collected writings (4 volumes published by Banner of Truth) are among my favorite all time books – –
The second quote below describes a goal that we all should pursue.
A Lloyd-Jones Quote
Don’t Let Failure Give Way to Failure
Here is a word of encouragement for living the Christian life. “Don’t let failure give way to failure.” Perhaps there is an area of your life where determined to do better. You prayed that you would have victory. And, yet you find yourself continuing to stumble. So, you are tempted to just say, “Oh forget it.” I will never be able to get a handle on this.
Bonhoeffer Quote on Cheap Grace
Pastoral Search Committee Sermon Evaluation Form
Pastoral Search Committees / PNC’s / Pulpit nominating committees usually say their first goal is a pastor who preaches well. Yet, few evaluate sermons against any objective criteria.
Below is an excerpt of material I wrote that gives suggestions for how search committees should evaluate sermons.
If you would like more information, you can e-mail me at chris at