The War

A great quote from Abraham Kuyper: “If once the curtain were pulled back, and the spiritual world behind it came to view, it would expose to our spiritual vision a struggle so intense, so convulsive, sweeping everything within its range,…

Divine Leverage

One of the things I love most about how God works is that he often uses small efforts on the part of his people for big results.  I call this “divine leverage.”  Because God is sovereign, God, and all-powerful, he can take some minor effort on our part and weave it into a major result.

Praying as a Pastoral Search Committee

If nothing else, read through the prayer suggestions at the end. 

Most pastoral search committes / pulpit nominating committees would say that they believe prayer is important.  But, how many really pray . . . As always, it would be encouraging to hear if you find this helpful.  You can e-mail me at chris at (or course, you have to use the @ sign without spaces).