David Fitch: I have a six year old. Truth be told, if we would let him, he would sit in front of the television for hours consuming hours of programming about sharks. But we (Rae and I) don’t allow it.…
A Recommendation for The World Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips
The World-Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips offers a foundational resource for local churches. It would be an excellent choice for a small group or study group to use for one or even two semesters of study. Individuals would also benefit…
What Cohabitation Does for Marriage
Glenn Stanton: There are some curious things going on with cohabitation and marriage that seem to tell two different stories. First, the folks at Pew recently told us (see p. 36) that young adults have the strongest desire to marry…
Instant? Not always. “After a while. . . we feel refreshed and renewed”
Refreshment and renewal isn’t always instant. Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble…
The Sermon on the Mount
Incredible. Sermon on the Mount from The Austin Stone on Vimeo. HT: Z
I haven’t studied global warming, but I found this interesting . . .
Gunny recently pointed out that a Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist has Resigned Over Global Warming and he has additional some additional thoughts on the “conclusions” of modern science.
SVHS Pictures of the Week: Home!
Stillman Valley’s first home game was also Homecoming . . .
“If we do not preach and represent the gospel in a way that sounds dangerous at first, we are not preaching it truly”
This Fall, I am preaching from Romans 8. If you don’t understand why the Gospel is such good news, we would invite you to visit the Red Brick Church! D. Martyn LLoyd-Jones: If we tell Christians that their past sins,…
Are you performance driven?
I agree with Zach Nielsen that I need to hear this over and over again: Jerry Bridges: Evangelicals commonly think today that the gospel is only for unbelievers. Once we’re inside the kingdom’s door, we need the gospel only in…
How Luther comforted his wife on September 20, 1542
In 1542 Luther’s 14 year old daughter Magdalena lay gravely ill with the plague. “Luther knelt beside her bed and begged God to release her from the pain. When she died and the carpenters were nailing down the lid of…