The New Testament envisions Christians involved in local assemblies of believers. But, the mandate, the Great Commission that Christ gave to local assemblies was to make disciples not only across the street (though we must do that as well) but…
What I Love About Preaching
As I explain in the below clip, what I love about preaching isn’t necessarily what I anticipated I would love about it.
How is the Bible Relevant for Today?
Below for, I answer the questions, “How is the Bible Relevant for Today?” How is the Bible relevant today?-Chris Brauns from christianitydotcom2 on GodTube.
Ray Bradbury (1920-2012) – “Libraries are people. . .so that when you open a book a person pops out”
Ray Bradbury died yesterday. Watch this clip in which he shares the beauty and wonder of libraries. See also All My Friends were on the Shelves Above HT: JT
What Tocqueville and Jefferson Had in Common and a new book by Gregg Frazer
Alexis de Tocqueville sang the praises of Christianity’s influence in the United States. Yet, he was not an orthodox Christian. As Thomas Kidd has pointed out, in this regard Tocqueville was similar to Jefferson and some of the other founding…
Assignment for the Bricks: Daniel 2
Last week, we saw in Daniel 1 that God is the one who is sovereign no matter how formidable empires may appear. We should respond by being under Christ, identifying with Christ, be wise for Christ, and blessed as a…
Alan Jacobs: Three Components of a Blockbuster Story
Whether we are thinking about The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, or The Avengers, it’s worth considering why some stories so easily capture our interest and motivate people to part with their time and money in record numbers? Stories sell, even…
The best product of Northern Illinois is . . .
In this video I talk about our church’s passion for raising children to follow our King. How can a church best serve families, children and teens?-Chris Brauns from christianitydotcom2 on GodTube.
Russell Moore: Fake Love, Fake War and the Dangers of Pornography and the Internet
Russell Moore: You know the guy I’m talking about. He spends hours into the night playing video games and surfing for pornography. He fears he’s a loser. And he has no idea just how much of a loser he is.…
For Those in Favor of the Telephone
How strategically are you thinking about social media? Be encouraged to let others know about your local church’s web site, sermons, and your pastor’s blog. Facebook offers an ideal place to get the word out. I wasn’t around when our…