Those who have raised teens or worked with them notice that young people often struggle with being too critical. Of course, not all teens sin in this area. But, many do, particularly those who have some God given critical thinking…
Questions 5&6 of A New Forgiveness Quiz
It is still not too late to enter the contest. I will continue to blog through the quiz on consecutive Friday’s until December 4th. Each Friday I will give away two copies of Unpacking Forgiveness. On December 4th, I will…
Computers on the New Earth?
Randy Alcorn hints at how technology may figure into the eschatological future. The video in this blog is an incredible look at how far technology has advanced and is changing, even just within the past year. As you watch it,…
Returning Soldiers Surprising Their Children
Take a few moments to watch this. HT: Z
The Handle That Fits All Sin
Oliver Wendell Homes: Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that fits them all. I wonder if the situation in which we most often lie is when our spouse says, “Is something bothering you?” Perhaps, we lie…
On the Texas Department of Justice website, you can read the last words of over 400 executed human beings . . .
Click here to go to the Texas Department of Justice website – – Or, read the last words of three others who were executed in Luke 23:39-42. I wonder what my last words will be. “Teach us to number our…
Free Falling Fertility Rates
Al Mohler: Is the fact that fertility is falling around the world good news? You would certainly think so if you agree with the analysis cheerily offered by The Economist. That very respected journal of economic analysis recently offered a…
Before you preach that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ
Dr. David Martyn Lloyd-Jones: You remember the resounding sentence at the end of the eight chapter of this Epistle to the Romans: ‘I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor…
How are we to understand the relationship between God’s sovereignty (he is in control of all things) and our decisions (we are responsible moral agents)?
Both these things are true: God is sovereign and is in control of all things. Human choices in no way diminish the sovereignty of God. Human beings are responsible moral agents. God is in no way morally responsible for sin.…
“If you never did anything in advance, there is relatively little you can do at the time”
In seminary, I began wondering how I would shepherd people through deep valleys. In class, one of my seminary professors, Dr. Crawford, once told a story about a family that faced a terrible tragedy. I raised my hand and asked,…