Dan Hamilton in his book, Forgiveness, explains it thus: ”If a careless friend breaks a lamp at my home, I will forgive him. That means I will not make him buy a new lamp. I have set him free from…
D.A. Carson: How can God be loving yet send people to hell?
How can God be loving yet send people to hell? from A Passion for Life on Vimeo. HT: JT
Questions 9 & 10 of A New Forgiveness Quiz
Remember, next Friday on December 4th, I will give away a Flip Camera. (Take A New Forgiveness Quiz). The next two winners for A New Forgiveness Quiz are: jnkurrle kgile I am posting the next two winners. I know people…
This photo collection may help you be thankful for the blessings in your life even as you pray for the Gospel to spread
Click here to see more. HT: Challies
A legitimate reason to pray for God’s blessing on Thanksgiving, and I pray that God will bless you and keep you, and make his face shine upon you . . .
If you’re looking for a Bible passage to read together as a family this Thanksgiving, then you will do no better than Psalm 67. This is a harvest Psalm that describes the right sort of motivation for praying for God’s…
Being Thankful to No One in Particular Is Like Being Married in General
Cornelius Plantinga: In one of his books, John Baillie tells of a time he attended a religious service conducted by a humanist. The service included a sort of prayer of thanksgiving, in which the humanist avoided saying, “We thank you,…
New material from Brian Regan
National Geographic pictures that will help you be thankful for God’s Creation
Here is a beautiful picture of marriage. The photographer explained, “My grandfather was born and raised on our New Zealand farm. He and my grandmother were married nearly 60 years. Preparing for a photo in the barley, my grandmother lovingly…
How a Texas pastor embodied biblical forgiveness principles
A burglar recently broke into a Corpus Christi church and stole valuable equipment. A reporter contacted the pastor and asked to interview him about the crime. (Watch the interview here). We can learn from his testimony in several different ways.…
Divine Leverage –Is there someone you could invite to church this Christmas season?
One of the things I love most about how God works is that he often uses small efforts on the part of his people for big results. I call this “divine leverage.” Because God is sovereign, God, and all-powerful, he…