How do I know God exists? from A Passion for Life on Vimeo. HT: JT
Questions 11 & 12 of a New Forgiveness Quiz and the Winner of a Flip Camera
And the winner of the drawing for A New Forgiveness Quiz is . . . kingsbro27 Question #11 – Where broken relationships are concerned, forgiveness can be unpacked in a moment. TRUE. Okay, “False,” is probably the better answer. But,…
C.J. Mahaney: Hunting Tiger Woods
C.J. Mahaney: Tiger Woods wants his privacy back. He wants the media entourage to disappear from his life. He wants to be left alone so he can manage his personal problems in private. Not a chance. The story began unfolding…
Limbaugh Christmas in the Great State of Iowa
My wife, Jamie’s, dad, Jack Limbaugh, came home from World War II in 1946 and lived the American dream. He received an engineering degree from Iowa State and polio at about the same time, but by God’s grace, he and…
For whom are you buying this Christmas Season?
In, a Gospel-Driven Life, The: Being Good News People in a Bad News World, Michael Horton makes a confession about his Christmas shopping to which many of us can relate. Early in my marriage, I learned a hard lesson about…
Unpacking “Down Under”
It amazes me that with the Internet we can so easily communicate with people on the other side of the world. After all, I am an Iowa farm kid who grew up eight miles from a town of a thousand…
Parents memorize this: “I love you enough to die for you, so having you upset with me is a relatively small thing in my world.”
Below are two messages that parents of young children should memorize. The Bible instructs parents to love their children. But, the Bible does not define love as squishy sentimentalism that gives children whatever they want whenever they ask for it.…
Don’t let failure give way to failure
Here is a word of encouragement for living the Christian life. “Don’t let failure give way to failure.” Perhaps there is an area of your life where determined to do better. You prayed that you would have victory. And, yet…
Scripture Memory: Repeat to remember ALOUD
As I continue to repeat, the key to Scripture memory is systematic repetition. You need a system. Begin by repeating a large number of times over a few days. Then put it on a 3*5 card for review. Repeat, repeat,…
A Few Favorite Preaching Passages
I am off this Sunday and our church is blessed to have Jeremy Scott of Morningstar Baptist preaching. It is a blessing as a pastor to be confident that the guy filling the pulpit will preach the Word. On a…