Our Reactions to New Resurrection Bodies Will Be 1,000,000 Times More

Witness how a grandfather sees color for the first time. Then consider how great will be the Christian’s joy when not just one malady is cured, but EVERY hurt is healed– in the twinkling of an eye (1 Cor 15:52). 

Christ’s resurrection assures Christians that we will also share in his resurrection (1 Cor 15:20). Those who have died in Christ will rise in Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Our new resurrection bodies will be cured of all aches. The lame will walk. The blind will see.

This man’s response is the tiniest preview of what it will be like to have a new resurrection body.


For more reflection on this point, see Steve Dewitt’s post, Resurrection Characteristics of Christ’s Body (And Ours As Well)

1 thought on “Our Reactions to New Resurrection Bodies Will Be 1,000,000 Times More

  1. Reminds me of some of the foods I’ve eaten. Hard to imagine that the colors, foods, experiences will never grow old, and God can make them all infinite (meaning we’ll taste new AMAZING foods forever because He is without bounds). I feel like the kid who has had Disneyland explained to him, and now I’m waiting to enter it for the very first time.

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