Family prayer journals can be used to encourage those for whom we are praying in special ways. Click on the pictures and enlarge them to see how we prayed and what we wrote down. My children write like their father. You may or may not be able to read their handwriting.
Recently a young father in our church learned that he has cancer. Like most churches, we are quick to promise prayer in that kind of situation. Within a few days, our leaders met together with the family in their home to pray over them.
In addition, our family has learned that one of the best ways for us to pray is to do so together and to make journal entries about our prayers. We pray together as a family after our evening meal and then someone writes a brief note about how we prayed.
If you read the journal entries, you will notice that we usually write down what it was we ate. Our point is not that matters whether or not we are kosher (we ate pork chops one night). But we know that specificity adds credibility . . .when they read this they can know that our family really did take time after dinner to pray for them.
It is one thing to say generally, “We’re praying.” It is even more encouraging when we show with specificity that we prayed together as a group at a particular time and place.
Of course, you can imagine how thankful we were to hear the day before Thanksgiving how God has answered prayer.
I like “specificity adds credibility”. I just thought of this as I read the angel’s words to Mary. “…and this is the sixth month with her…” He even tells Mary how far along Elizabeth’s pregnancy is. I’m sure the specificity added credibility to the angel’s ‘impossible’ message.
I want to do a better job of journaling specific answers to prayers and workings of God in our family. Thanks for the encouragement!