Christian community is at its best when relationships are growing apart from programming via spontaneous, simple, small activities so that people share life together.
We’re not against programming at the Red Brick Church. As Fall comes around the corner, things will be hopping in the Valley. But we also encourage our people that church is at its best when there are “S” activities.
“S Activities” refer to get-togethers that are:
Spontaneous: They usually happen last minute at the initiative of 1-2 people.
Small: They involve a group that can be quickly contacted, usually a handful.
Simple: By nature, they can’t require a lot of planning.
“My house is a mess, but I have a new tank of gas. Bring chips and we’ll cook hotdogs.”
“Let’s go swimming.”
“Let’s go out for a root beer float.”
“Why not stop at the nursing home and make a quick visit.”