Hans says I am Short-Sighted, Arrogant, and Selfish

I’ve never met Hans. But he stopped by my web site today and commented on a post about C.S. Lewis:

It is so short sighted, arrogant and selfish to think that only your own religion is the truth!
It means that you don’t have any respect for people who believe in other fairy tales than the big christianity fabrication.

I responded:


Thanks for stopping by!

It strikes me as a bit short and arrogant that you think I am dogmatic. How could you be so narrow-minded about your opinion of me?

If you hold your position consistently, then you doubtless think I am arrogant and selfish to believe that I truly am the father of my children and that 2+2=4.

4 thoughts on “Hans says I am Short-Sighted, Arrogant, and Selfish

  1. Have to love those people who lash out because they are frustrated and insecure about their own faith, or lack thereof. In the coming days and, should The Lord tarry, years, we will all be attacked and challenged for our faith!
    I have no doubt you were unshaken and we must pray for Hans and people like him.

    In His service,

  2. My reaction to comments such as this one from Hans, is that people who take the time to share their outrage so vehemently to any statement about our Lord Jesus Christ being the true Son of God is that they are deeply fearful. So fearful that they cannot keep from responding to statements of Christian belief because deep down they are afraid that they just might be wrong. Otherwise, why bother to say anything at all?

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