Is This the #1 Threat to Our Young Men? Heath Lambert has written an extremely important book which will be coming out in August.

When I left for college over 30 years ago, the biggest threats to young men were substance abuse, alcoholism, and promiscuity. But in the Internet Age, a new menace may have moved to the front of the pack. I now wonder if pornography is the biggest threat to our young men.

I understand that pornography also threatens young women. But my inclination is that it is still a more significant threat for young men. What do you think?

I am increasingly warning the people in our church about pornography. I can think of multiple times in the last week when I have talked to people about its dangers.

All of which is to say, I am so thankful that Heath Lambert has written what I believe will be a “go-to” book for those who want to defeat pornography but do not know how to fight with the power of grace.

Here is the description of Finally Free given by the publisher:

If you have struggled personally against the powerful draw of pornography, or if you have ever tried to help someone fighting this battle, you know how hard it is to break free. But real freedom isn’t found by trying harder to change. Nor is it found in a particular method or program. Only Jesus Christ has the power to free people from the enslaving power of pornography. In Finally Free, Dr. Heath Lambert, a leader in the biblical counseling movement, lays out eight gospel-centered strategies for overcoming the deceitful lure of pornography. Each chapter clearly demonstrates how the gospel applies to this particular battle and how Jesus can move readers from a life of struggle to a life of purity. If you or someone you care about is fighting this battle, there is good news: No matter how intense or long-standing the struggle, Jesus Christ can, will, and does set people free from the power of pornography. ‘I’ve read just about every Christian book on the topic of pornography. Finally Free is now the number one book I will recommend to pastors, counselors, strugglers, and those who love them. – Bob Kellemen, Ph.D., Executive Director, The Biblical Counseling Coalition; Author, Sexual Abuse: Beauty for Ashes ‘This book is richly biblical, soundly Christian, and centered in the gospel. Christians should read it and quickly pass it to others. It will be of enormous help to pastors, youth ministers, college ministers, and the Christians of all ages struggling against the tide of our pornographic age.’ – R. Albert Mohler Jr., president Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

See also:

The Most Foreign Concept In the American Church is the Most Important One To Help People Become “Finally Free” from Porn

Help Men (and Women) Fight Porn with the Power of Grace and “Finally Free” (By Heath Lambert)

How Sorrow Helps Men (and Women) Fight Porn and Become “Finally Free” (By Heath Lambert)