The Wind at Our Back for Preaching

Thanks for praying for your pastor’s sermon preparation.

As a pastor, there is no greater feeling in sermon preparation then when you can tell God’s people have been praying for you.

It’s August 16 when I am writing this – – though it won’t go up for several weeks. I’ve been studying and doing sermon preparation this morning and it’s like I’m sailing with a 25 mph wind right behind me. It is an answer to prayer.

Last night one of the men from church and I met. We didn’t have a particular focus except to talk about our church’s shared vision for the coming year. At the end of the meeting, we prayed on our knees for a few minutes and were on our way.

This morning, I’ve sailed in sermon preparation.

  • I had a time of extended meditation on my October 28 sermon (Psalm 131).
  • I wrote out an illustration for that sermon from something that happened on August 12.
  • I wrote a note to our worship leadership.
  • I made sure that Sanctity of Life Sunday is on our church calendar for 2013.
  • I pictured a sermon series from Psalm 106.

Over the coming weeks, our people will have a healthy diet of life changing preaching for the glory of God. And I know that those praying for the preaching of the Word have every bit as much to do with it as I do.