David Platt: Do we really believe what we’re saying?

What do Christians believe about the fate of those who don’t turn to Christ?

Do We Really Believe What We’re Saying? from The Church at Brook Hills on Vimeo.


See also this post on the Gospel Coalition site that interacts with different options for the future of those who haven’t heard the Gospel.

3 thoughts on “David Platt: Do we really believe what we’re saying?

  1. I wonder if a third option that is also frightening is that many “Christians” believe that the masses will perish, but somehow feel the masses “deserve” it in a way they never did, or don’t. A scary lack of the awareness of grace. I’m asking God to reveal to me where I’m at in this continuum.

  2. Scott – -that’s another good insight.

    I think it’s also worth saying that it would be possible to think about it too much – – – as a pastor who regularly does funerals etc – – – I could worry myself into oblivion. At some point, we simply have to entrust it all to God, but continue to be concerned for the lost.

    Thanks for your thoughtful comments. You are encouraging. Maybe you should move to Stillman Valley and be a brick.

  3. That is a very encouraging word. As parents who have unbelieving children we’re always seeking to rest in the sovereign grace, timing, and wisdom of God, but anxious in a a way that keeps us before the throne in prayer and wanting to do better at making Jesus look winsome. It’s hard.

    Thanks for the kind word about the comments and the invitation. I’m just a knucklehead, and glad there might be someone in life to put up with me.

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