Andy Crouch on the Gospel of Steve Jobs

After a great deal of “Mac Evangelism” on the part of some friends, I recently walked the “aisle” and bought a Mac.  So far I’ve been very pleased.

And now there is going to be a Verizon Iphone.  Wow.

All of which is to say that Andy Crouch’s recent contemplation of the Gospel of Steve Jobs was timely for me, recent Apple convert that I am.

Andy Crouch:

Steve Jobs’s gospel is, in the end, a set of beautifully polished empty promises. But I look on my secular neighbors, millions of them, like sheep without a shepherd, who no longer believe in anything they cannot see, and I cannot help feeling compassion for them, and something like fear. When, not if, Steve Jobs departs the stage, will there be anyone left who can convince them to hope?

Read the whole thing here.