Darryl Dash explains why Monday is often a hard day for pastors.
There are a lot of pastors who are going to be discouraged today. For whatever reason, yesterday didn’t go well. Even if Sunday did go well, pastors often suffer from a post-adrenaline letdown or crash. As Archibald Hart writes:
Most of us experience post-adrenaline depression after a period of extended demand or stress. Many pastors wake up Monday mornings to this cloud hanging over their heads. We commonly refer to it as the Monday morning blues, but it is, in reality, the adrenal system switching off and insisting that enough is enough. It demands time for its recovery. It literally tries to detach us from our environment to facilitate its recovery.
The symptoms include irritability, grumpiness, low frustration tolerance, and big-time negativity. They are typical of the withdrawal symptoms we see in several substance addictions. Everything looks bleak! (Unmasking Male Depression
The rest here: http://www.dashhouse.com/2010/11/monday-pastoral-discouragement/