The number one threat for America?

Scott Moore points to what one professor says is the number one threat to America.  I suspect he is correct.

I will never forget the serious look on Dr. Richard Pratt’s face one Monday night as he was expressing his number one fear for the next generation. It was not alcoholism, or disease. It was not liberalism, or the church’s view on women being ordained (or not) in ministry. He looked across the classroom and called all of us to take heed to the Islamic growth in America. One statistic I remember is that the census reported that by year 2025, one major metropolitan city, in America, will be predominately . . .

Read the rest here.


1 thought on “The number one threat for America?

  1. Thank you for posting, Chris.

    This demographic is not going away but they are increasing in numbers each day. We are fools to delude ourselves — the goal of Islam is the Islamization of this country. At the core of Islam is an anti-Christ spirit yet, I continually remind myself (as it is admittedly easy to forget) that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal.

    I can’t say for sure but I think the family described in this article are from the “Nation of Islam” which is not the same as Islam. But either way, the point is, we need to get serious about preaching a crucified Christ and putting legs to our faith. Either the Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe, or it is not. And, if it’s not, then we all need to examine more closely what it is we say we believe. If it is, then we need to, by God’s grace, do what this pastor says he is going to do:

    “I am now resolved, by the strength and perseverance of God’s sovereign grace, to reach those around me quickly and consistently with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

    I still think there is hope! If the preaching of a compromised Gospel from our pulpits has allowed for this, I have to believe that the preaching of a crucified Christ can deal with this head on.

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