My friend, Alice, recently lost her mother. Today she shared some very personal thoughts about grief in a post with the title, “Sad.” Many will be able to relate.
Here’s what nobody can really tell you about bereavement until you experience it yourself and it’s this: Life has an insidious, brutal little way of continuing on. Your car (or both of them) still breaks down. You still have to figure out what to cook for dinner. The bathroom still needs cleaning. Your kids still come home from VBS with a vial of colored sand and sprinkle it throughout your bed, and sand is all over the floor and the shower and the sheets and the pillows and the blankets and you have to rip everything off and throw it in the wash and remake your bed at 11:30 at night. (If you’re wondering if I handled that situation with sweet grace and a tender mother’s love, Readers, oh no, I did not.)
Well said, I will share this with my sister, Terri. Thanks for posting it!